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Poetry in Color

"Poetry in Colors", is a collage and mixed media class based on poems or song lyrics (either selected or written by the participant). It includes the sharing of the poems with the other students and the creation of an artwork based on the selected poem/lyrics. Skills learned include translating feelings into colors and shapes and creating mixed media pieces. Creating a safe and supportive environment for sharing and learning is a major part of this class.
The culminating event is an art show with an opening reception that will include the reading of the poems and the display of the created artwork.

6 to 8 Week course (2 hours long)


Sample curriculum for Week Six (of Eight):

  • Check-in, how was your week, what artist did you research?  Can you share with the group?

  • Contemporary collage work - a quick overview

  • Let's have fun creating!

  • Wax finishes - what is encaustic?

  • Let's share where we are and let's verbalize our works' connection to our poem

Assignment: Drama! Let's practice our poem

Outcome: We Revise our collages (Creative Process Map) and work on various Artist Habits of Mind skills including Developing craft, expression, and reflecting Understanding of the Art World.

One day workshop

This 3 or 4-hour workshop centers on a technical introduction to collage and an overview of the use of poetry as a form of inspiration.


The creation of a finished piece that the participant can take home that day is the goal but, not always possible, as participants work at very different speeds. So it's also fine for participants to finish at home at their leisure. 


If taught to a group that is already established a more intimate experience is possible.


Small groups - all ages

This workshop ideally has 8 participants but can be adapted for groups of 4 to 12 adults.

For grades 6-12 no more than 8 participants.

For grades 3-5 no more than 6. 


Exploring, sharing, creating community

This class is as much about finding a safe space to share intimate feelings, make new friends as it is about acquiring a new set of skills. It is about discovering how we feel about colors and words and how they influence each other. 


Let me know if you have questions about the program. 


Liliane Blom

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© 2023  Liliane Blom. 

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