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Moonlight Fantasy


Moonlight Fantasy is an installation searching of a venue...


I need a dark space,  a dozen projectors mounted in the ceiling and the ability to use smoke machines...Let me know if you have such a space available and I will create an amazing and memorable installation for you!

The word moonlight evokes in me, feelings of romance, memories of spring and summer evenings and
the color blue.


Moonlight Fantasy is supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, 


Moonlight Fantasy is an installation that wants to create a magical space of shifting light ponds and of beams of moonlight that come and go as the fog dances through them. The viewer can navigate between these video ponds, stop at, sit bydance between them or simply contemplate them.


There will be atmospheric music, something ethereal and otherworldly playing - I am hoping to work with a composer to create this music and hope the space can host performances by dance troupes who might be interested in dancing under the moonlight.


Moonlight Fantasy It is still under development and I am still searching for an appropriate venue, where fog machines will not be a problem or set of fire alarms.  The installation needs to held in a dark space, either indoors or out of doors if indoors it would preferably be painted in a cobalt blue, but really any dark space with a high enough ceiling. I need to be able to hang projectors from the ceiling and will have them point straight down at the floor.


Each projector will be looping a short and unique video onto a round "floor screen" I envision the ponds being about 30" in diameter. But I might experiment with ponds of varying sizes. A smoke machine will make the light beams visible and the movement of the viewer, their interaction with the air and the smoke will create dancing, swirling patterns in the light beams. There will be between 8 and 12 projectors depending on the size of the venue and the availability of projectors.​


Liliane Blom

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© 2023  Liliane Blom. 

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