Liliane Blom is an installation artist with a passion for connecting people to the beauty of the natural world.
Through her installations, she transforms indoor spaces into serene, multi-sensory havens that celebrate the vastness and wonder of nature. Her work is a heartfelt invitation to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the world around us in a way that feels personal and meaningful.
Liliane’s art isn’t about preaching or persuading—it’s about creating moments that touch the soul. She hopes to kindle a sense of awe and longing for the places we share, inspiring a deeper connection to the earth and a gentle reminder of our responsibility to care for it.
Liliane Blom believes play is underrated in modern society and puts great emphasis on joy and the ephemeral qualities of time. She describes her work as:
" Personal and poetic, rhythmic and layered, my work merges the world of sound and vision - the internal with the external. It focuses on borderlines ... those mostly invisible boundaries that separate me from you, us from them, reality from fantasy, childhood from adulthood, life from death, us from the natural world.
My installations are an attempt at immersing the viewer in my vision of the world. The essence lies in the interaction between the viewer and the artwork, which is why all my installations are immersive and interactive. They are multi-sensory experiences, that engage with sound/touch and light. Playful, they unapologetically appeal to our sense of wonder. And invite the viewer to come play."
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Bethesda Urban Partnership competition for artwork to wrap signal boxes. My spring inspired "Forget Me Not" painting was selected for the signal box at Woodmont and Norfolk Ave.